Saturday, 29 April 2006


Any other business?

For the first time since I got more deeply involved with Greenbelt I'm missing the AGM today.

[Haytor rocks]

Any other business? Yes: climbing tors in Dartmoor, waving at trains from the beach (and getting a complementary toot in return), looking for crabs in rock pools and exploring the Smugglers' Tunnel.

[The train beach, Teignmouth]

Following up on an unproductive trip over the new year, we're back in Devon. We're packing into two days everything that filled our annual family holiday (even late-night Scrabble).

Most importantly though, it's time for formal introductions and seeking 'royal' assent for the wedding from my Gran.

Posted by pab at 18:18 | Comments will be back later in the year. Please email me instead!