Wednesday, 25 May 2005


How the letter read

It's not quite what was written, but here's how the letter from the Council read to me:

Dear serf,

The Town Council is very much aware of the pressures on its budget. These are getting worse since we fought the recent election throughout the country by pointing at our opponents' spending and laughing. Woodbridge was no exception.

You poor suckers voted us in.

The letter goes on to propose a residents-only parking scheme. For comparison it provides the details of the cost of season tickets in local car parks before dropping a bombshell in the response slip.

I quote:

For the convenience of a scheme to you, would you be prepared to pay annual fees in the region of: £100-£150 or £150-£200?

Strangely there's no tick-box for £0-£100. Or for "I've never had any difficulty parking outside my house and believe the scheme is just about raising revenue." Or, "How can the cost of running a scheme be so high?" Or even, "Wouldn't it be better if you accepted residents' planning applications for off-street parking?"

Yes, I am annoyed. No, I didn't vote for them.

Posted by pab at 18:47 | Comments will be back later in the year. Please email me instead!