Sunday, 31 January 2016


Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

Having watched Episodes I to VI in the cinema (albeit the first trilogy as the 1997 Special Edition rather than its original form), it's no surprise that Episode VII took me back to the big screen.

cinema-tickets.jpgWhile I'll agree that this film is – ahem – a new hope for the franchise, and that it ticks all the relevant boxes, I was l left feeling a little nonplussed by it. I put it down to this: I've changed. I'm not suggesting it's infantile or unentertaining. It's not about "growing up". I just realise that two and a half hours of constant fighting is a bit of a turn-off for me, even when the human goodies will always prevail over the faceless baddies in the end.

Still, it got us out to the cinema. This is something we intend to do much more of over the coming year.

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