Friday, 23 May 2014


Heading north


There are few better places to find yourself just before midnight on a Friday night than platform one at Euston station. Or to be more specific, there are few places better than the lounge car of the Caledonian Sleeper with the love of your life and a wee dram, especially if ahead of you lies a week away from work and breathing space of the Hebridean islands.

Posted by pab at 23:45 | Comments will be back one day. Please email me instead!


Thirty times fifteen

Since 17 January I have walked more than five miles a day, every day.

That was quite straightforward: it just meant taking a slightly more circuitous route between home and the bus stop on my way to and from work.

I was concerned this would be difficult to keep up once I started working from home. I shouldn't have worried.

Since 3 April I have walked more than ten miles a day, every day.

I invested the time I wasn't on the bus in more walking. I found I was "walking to work" daily, even though the office was in the next room. Five miles there, five miles back.

Then as the evenings got lighter after Easter, I went slightly crazy.

Since 23 April I have walked more than fifteen miles a day, every day.

Today this stops. I can't see how I can sustain fifteen miles into the next month, so it's time to dial back the effort.

It's been fun though. I've completed my Neighbourhood Walks, and have a further dozen or so recreational walks to write up. There's a reason to all this walking; I must write about it sometime. But for now, it's good to know that 500 miles in a month isn't a problem and that I can still hold down a job at the same time!

Posted by pab at 12:03 | Comments will be back one day. Please email me instead!