Tuesday, 20 April 2004


The trouble with 1 Corinthians 13

[Minute-taking at the AGM]

On the way home after a Greenbelt Management Group meeting I usually get frustrated. It's an hour's train journey - an ideal time to edit the minutes I took during the meeting - but my fingers refuse to work and my brain runs wild.

Today's journey was different. I bumped into John Peck and Charity Quin. John was one of the founders of Greenbelt and having missed Saturday's AGM was keen to catch up.

Chatting with John is always a pleasure, doubly so when he's keeping me from the non-minuting guilty feeling! "The trouble with 1 Corinthians 13," he pointed out after Charity mock-chided herself about love being slow to anger, "is it's so readily quotable."

(The photo above was taken by Pip on Saturday at the AGM.)

Posted by pab at 00:36