Saturday, 7 February 2004


At the racecourse

[Rainbow over the car parks]

Over the few years I've been involved with Greenbelt one clear pattern has emerged: everything's happening sooner. Where previously the final acts might have been booked in August, in recent years the line-up's been confirmed much sooner. There's a joke that if we don't watch out we'll start planning two festivals ahead. (Except it's not a joke; in some places this is already happening.)

And so to the traditional first site visit. Previously held much later in the year, this year we've leapfrogged back over the racecourse's big day and been on site today.

[The planning group]

Today was a chance for the Planning Group to have a look at the bare site and dream up new ways of working it. It was a chance to take a peek at new and changed spaces, an opportunity to play "pin the stage on the site plan" which is not too dissimilar to a game with donkeys and tails, but without the blindfold.

Posted by pab at 21:21