Monday, 15 December 2003


Film: Love Actually

Any film that shows London for the beautiful, bustling city that it is will win me over. Add a hundred plot lines about love, and a stunning ensemble cast and you've got the perfect way to finish off a relaxing birthday.

Summary: go see the film.

Subtext: today was my birthday.

(For those of you who now realise they forgot to send a card, I offer this advice: first class post takes two days to arrive in Woodbridge. Add to that the fact that there's no postal deliveries on Sundays and you've got the makings of a great excuse. Slip a card in the post first thing Monday morning, select and rehearse your excuse, then give me a call: "You've not got it yet? It must be caught up in the deluge of Christmas mail", etc., etc. Besides, despite sharing a birthday with me, someone's card hasn't arrived yet.)

For the record, I had a wonderful day.

Posted by pab at 00:15