Sunday, 12 October 2003


Saranac Sunset

[Saranac Lake at sunset]

It's astonishing to think: I've been here a week. Tomorrow Joanna suffers the downside of my cheap air fare: we have to be at the airport at 5am. Thank goodness it's only a fifteen minute drive then!

What have I achieved this week? I've very little to show for my time here, but I feel much better for it.

I've got to know my nephew and niece. I've reconnected with my sister and brother-in-law. I've finally visited the place everyone else in the family has been talking about.

I've survived a week without my Mac, my email, my mobile phone.

I planned to write: a journal, a poem or two, maybe some prose. Instead, I wrote four postcards and read a lot.

But: my thoughts are now clearer on a number of key issues. I'm flying back home full of wonder at how the year will round off, and full of excitement that it might just blow my socks off.

Posted by pab at 23:14