Thursday, 27 March 2003


War Weary World

Here's my enlightened company's official policy on the war with Iraq:

The following activities are unacceptable:

  • The display or circulation of any pro or anti war materials in any building. This includes posters, leaflets, placards or clothing.
  • The circulation of any pro or anti war material via email
  • Any comments which may be considered intimidating or harassing

I think the last point makes clear what's happening: there's been harassement and the company wants to see an end to it. What's not clear is where I stand with my Don't Attack Iraq badge that I've worn on my jacket for the past month and a half; is it "anti-war material"? Should I take it off before coming to work? For that matter, if I wore a cross should I remove that in case I offend folk whose religious views differ to mine?

Posted by pab at 08:09